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Question Results

Score 10 of 10


Large intestine 1 Caecum
Score 10 of 10


Large intestine 8 Folds in the colon in dissection preparation
Score 0 of 0


Large intestine 10 Characteristics of the large intestine


What are features of the large intestine?

AnswersYour AnswerCorrect
Has semilunar folds. These come and go dynamically, due to contraction of the instestine.
Has semilunar folds. These are permanent.
Has circular folds. These come and go dynamically, due to contraction of the intestine.
Has circular folds. These are permanent.

AnswersYour AnswerCorrect
The external longitudinal muscle layer is largely concentrated into three bands, taeniae.
The external longitudinal muscle layer is largely concentrated into two bands, taeniae.
The external longitudinal muscle layer is a layer of uniform thickness around the intestine
The external longitudinal muscle layer is predominantly incomplete.

AnswersYour AnswerCorrect
Has epiploic appendices. These are fatty attachments on the outside of the intestine.
Has epiploic appendices. These are hollow protrusions of the mucosa of the intestine.
Has no epiploic appendices

AnswersYour AnswerCorrect
Has haustra
Has a consistent caliber.
Score 10 of 10


Large intestine 6 Taeniae coli
Score 10 of 10


Colon 9 Folds in the colon on endoscopy


The photo shows a still image from a colonoscopy, at the location of the ascending colon. The view is directed inferiorly, in the depth the caecum is visible. What are the folds indicated with arrows called?

AnswersYour AnswerCorrect
Semicircular folds
Semilunar folds
Circular folds
Score 10 of 10


Large intestine 4 Caecum ("blind gut")
Score 0 of 10


Large intestine 12 'fat appendages'


The photo shows a specimen of the transverse colon. Fat appendages are marked with green stars. What are these fat appendages?

AnswersYour AnswerCorrect
These are omental appendices. They mainly occur in obese people.
These are 'projectiones adipositas'. They occur mainly in cultures with Western eating patterns (with a relatively large amount of animal fat in the diet).
These are omental appendices. They are characteristic for the large intestine.
These are 'projectiones adipositas'. They occur in certain lipid metabolism disorders.
Score 10 of 10


Large intestine 7 Haustra
Score 5 of 10


Characteristic components of the large intestine


Fill in the words in the correct places.

The taeniae of the colon are the outer (= longitudinal) muscle layers of the colon lying along the colon, consisting of three long strips of muscle. They contract the colon, causing bulges of the colon, the so-called haustra. In between the bulges there are folds called circular foldssemilunar folds. These folds are dynamic, they come and go with the contractions of the colon. Don't mistake them for the folds of the small intestine, the semilunar foldscircular folds. These are permanent
Score 0 of 10


Leiden - Video colonoscopy ileocaecal junction ENG