Neuro-structures 1
What is the name of the nerve marked with an asterisk?
Which structure / structures is / are indicated by a blue rectangle?
Which comment applies to the nerve marked with an asterisk?
Which nerve structures are within the blue rectangles?
Three nerves are indicated in the picture. By what names can these nerves be correctly identified? (multiple answers can be correct
The animation shows the route of the sympathetic innervation to certain target organs. The synapse takes place in a ganglion in the sympathetic trunk (= a paravertebral ganglion), at the level of entry into the sympathetic trunk, or higher or lower (not shown), after which the spinal nerve is reached via the grey ramus communicans. The stimulus is then further conducted through the posterior and anterior ramus of the spinal nerve. Which target organs / target organ are involved?
Autonomic nervous system ENG 4 - Parasympath innervation per organ - pain table
Autonomic nervous system 5 - Sympathetic innervation per organ - pain table