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Score 10 of 10


Liver and bile ducts 1 bile ducts


Liver and bile ducts 1 bile ducts

DropzoneCorrect AnswersYour answers
common hepatic duct major duodenal papilla ('Vater's papilla') common hepatic duct
cystic duct pancreatic duct cystic duct
common bile duct common hepatic duct (common) bile duct
pancreatic duct pancreatic duct
major duodenal papilla major duodenal papilla ('Vater's papilla')
Score 10 of 10


Liver and bile ducts 10 Structure identification


The specimen has a structure indicated by a black arrow. Which structure is it?

AnswersYour AnswerCorrect
Cystic duct
Cystic artery
Ductus venosus
Common bile duct
Common hepatic duct