Fill in the correct number from the above nephron scheme next to each separate text description. If multiple numbers need to be entered for a description, you should enter them combined in the right order with no separations between the numbers.
9 Receives filtrate produced in the glomerulus
6 Actively transports molecules (like drugs, creatinine and H+) directly from the blood into the tubule. Exchanging Na+ (reabsorbtion) for K+
8345 A u-turn in the tubule where the descending limb allows water to leave and the ascending limb extrudes salt (NaCl) that helps the medulla of the kidney to reabsorb water
7 Collect filtrate from several nephrons, reabsorb water and transport waste to the renal pelvis
128 Forms the juxtaglomerular apparatus together with juxtaglomerular cells and extraglomerular mesangial cells (regulation of bloodpressure)
62 Selectively reabsorbs nutrients (like glucose,amino acids and salts) and water back towards the blood using active transport