Amsterdam - Website Anatomie Amsterdam

nid: 60580
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Educational website of dept. Anatomy and Neurosciences, Amsterdam University Medical Center.
Main focus is on neuroanatomy. Contains beautiful dissection photo's, gross and histological, tutorials, a visible human viewer of the brain, MR scan pictures, medical cases and stills of 3D reconstructions.
Also contains
a section on the digestive tract with medical cases and endoscopy pictures
a section on embryology  with photo's of slices of chicken embryo's and drawings
a section on swallowing with a tutorial and drawings
Some parts are in Dutch, some parts in English.

NOTE: THIS MATERIAL IS NOT UNDER A CREATIVE COMMONS LICENSE. But, as all online items, you are free to link to it.

Anatomical structures in item:
Systema digestorium
Uploaded by: opgobee Netherlands, Leiden – Leiden University Medical Center, Leiden University
Creator(s)/credit: Floris Wouterlood PhD, assoc. professor, VUMC
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This item is (on) an external site. The license as stated on that site holds. Check that site to find out what you are allowed to do with the item. This might be stated for instance in a section 'terms of use' or 'copyright'. If nothing is stated, assume it is under copyright, that is the default. Then you are not allowed to use it, unless you have obtained permission of its owner. However, provided the item is published online legally, you are free to link to it.
3602 reads
Amsterdam - Website Anatomie Amsterdam
Uploaded by: opgobee
Institution: Netherlands, Leiden – Leiden University Medical Center, Leiden University
Creator(s)/credit: Floris Wouterlood PhD, assoc. professor, VUMC
  • Status: to be reviewed

Educational website of dept. Anatomy and Neurosciences, Amsterdam University Medical Center.
Main focus is on neuroanatomy. Contains beautiful dissection photo's, gross and histological, tutorials, a visible human viewer of the brain, MR scan pictures, medical cases and stills of 3D reconstructions.
Also contains
a section on the digestive tract with medical cases and endoscopy pictures
a section on embryology  with photo's of slices of chicken embryo's and drawings
a section on swallowing with a tutorial and drawings
Some parts are in Dutch, some parts in English.

NOTE: THIS MATERIAL IS NOT UNDER A CREATIVE COMMONS LICENSE. But, as all online items, you are free to link to it.

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Anatomical structures in item
Systema digestorium
Clinical anatomy