nid: 60532
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In this 3D model, the internal morphology of the soft tissues of nasal cavity is shown, segmented from a CT scan. The model shows the vomeronasal organ on the left side of the septum. It’s a sensory organ for pheromones, which exist in ~25% of the population (Stoyanov et al. Cureus. 2018 May 17;10(5):e2643)
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Netherlands, Leiden – Leiden University Medical Center, Leiden University
Cavitas nasi
Organum vomeronasale
Meatus nasi inferior
Meatus nasi medius
Meatus nasi superior
Creator(s)/credit: Dr Petar Valchanov MD
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"Valchanov - 3D model Internal morphology of the soft tissues of nasal cavity " at by Petar Valchanov , license: Creative Commons Attribution