nid: 60477
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This animated 3D model reveals the function of the biceps and triceps in flexion and extension of the arm.
By Chris Hammang, biomedical animator and educational designer at the University of Sydney.
By Chris Hammang, biomedical animator and educational designer at the University of Sydney.
Anatomical structures in item:
Uploaded by: rva
Netherlands, Leiden – Leiden University Medical Center, Leiden University
Musculus triceps brachii
Musculus biceps brachii
Creator(s)/credit: Chris Hammang
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"Sydney - 3D model Triceps and biceps" at by Chris Hammang, license: Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike. Based on: BodyParts3D, Copyright© The Database Center for Life Science. Modified by: Chris Hammang
"Sydney - 3D model Triceps and biceps" by Chris Hammang, license: CC BY-SA. Based on: BodyParts3D, Copyright© The Database Center for Life Science. Modified by: Chris Hammang