nid: 60416
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The parotid region of the head. The structures adjacent to the parotid gland can be seen in this figure. English labels.
Retrieved from website Clinical Anatomy of the University of British Columbia.
Retrieved from website Clinical Anatomy of the University of British Columbia.
Anatomical structures in item:
Uploaded by: rva
Netherlands, Leiden – Leiden University Medical Center, Leiden University
Nervus auriculotemporalis
Glandula parotidea
Arteria temporalis superficialis
Venae temporales superficiales
Nervus facialis [VII]
Arteria auricularis posterior
Nervus accessorius [XI]
Arteria carotis interna
Nervus hypoglossus [XII]
Vena jugularis externa
Nervus auricularis magnus
Arteria carotis externa
Vena retromandibularis
Arteria lingualis
Glandula submandibularis
Arteria facialis
Vena facialis
Ductus parotideus
Rami temporales nervus facialis
Arcus zygomaticus
Arteria temporalis superficialis
Fascia temporalis
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"U.Br.Columbia - Drawing The parotid region of the head - English labels" at by , license: Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike. Source: website Clinical Anatomy,
"U.Br.Columbia - Drawing The parotid region of the head - English labels" by , license: CC BY-NC-SA. Source: website Clinical Anatomy,