nid: 59677
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Temporomandibular joint and its adjacent structures. The temporomandibular joint conntects the jawbone to the skull. The adjacent structures can play a role in Temporomandibular joint dysfunction amongst others. English labels. NOTE: THIS IMAGE IS UNDER A NON-DERIVATIVE LICENSE. THIS MEANS THAT IF YOU REMIX OR REVISE THIS MATERIAL YOU MAY NOT DISTRIBUTE THE MODIFIED MATERIAL.
Anatomical structures in item:
Uploaded by: rva
Netherlands, Leiden – Leiden University Medical Center, Leiden University
Articulatio temporomandibularis
Meatus acusticus externus
Processus mastoideus
Ramus digastricus nervus facialis
Musculus digastricus
Nervus facialis [VII]
Creator(s)/credit: Annie Campbell MSc, medical illustrator
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"Dundee - Drawing Temporomandibular joint and its adjacent structures - English labels" at AnatomyTOOL.org by Annie Campbell, © University of Dundee School of Medicine, license: Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs
"Dundee - Drawing Temporomandibular joint and its adjacent structures - English labels" by Annie Campbell, © University of Dundee School of Medicine, license: CC BY-NC-ND