Neuroanatomy Syllabus 1: Cranial Nerves and the Circle of Willis. English text.

nid: 58825
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Cranial Nerves and the Circle of Willis - Neuroanatomy Syllabus. The objectives of this chapter is to identify the structural divisions of the CNS, the cranial roots associated with each brain stem division, the meninges, as well as the major arteries, veins and dural sinuses. Media resources by Suzanne S. Stensaas, PhD, Professor Emeritus, Department of Neurobiology and Anatomy, University of Utah School of Medicine. Text Revisions by Stephen C. Voron, M.D., University of Utah School of Medicine.
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Anatomical structures in item:
Nervus cranialis
Medulla spinalis
Medulla oblongata
Nervus hypoglossus [XII]
Nervus accessorius [XI]
Nervus vagus
Nervus glossopharyngeus [IX]
Nervus vestibulocochlearis [VIII]
Nervus facialis [VII]
Nervus abducens [VI]
Nervus trigeminus [V]
Nervus trochlearis [IV]
Nervus oculomotorius [III]
Nervus opticus
Nervus olfactorius [I]
Dura mater
Pia mater
Arachnoidea mater
Falx cerebri
Tentorium cerebelli
Arteria carotis interna
Arteria vertebralis
Arteria basilaris
Circulus arteriosus cerebri
Arteria cerebri posterior
Arteria cerebri anterior
Arteria communicans posterior
Arteria communicans anterior
Uploaded by: M_Orsatti Netherlands, Leiden – Leiden University Medical Center, Leiden University
Creator(s)/credit: Dr Stephen C. Voron MD; Professor Ermitus Suzanne S. Stensaas Ph.D
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166 reads
Neuroanatomy Syllabus 1: Cranial Nerves and the Circle of Willis. English text.
Uploaded by: M_Orsatti
Institution: Netherlands, Leiden – Leiden University Medical Center, Leiden University
Creator(s)/credit: Dr Stephen C. Voron MD; Professor Ermitus Suzanne S. Stensaas Ph.D
  • Status: to be reviewed

Cranial Nerves and the Circle of Willis - Neuroanatomy Syllabus. The objectives of this chapter is to identify the structural divisions of the CNS, the cranial roots associated with each brain stem division, the meninges, as well as the major arteries, veins and dural sinuses. Media resources by Suzanne S. Stensaas, PhD, Professor Emeritus, Department of Neurobiology and Anatomy, University of Utah School of Medicine. Text Revisions by Stephen C. Voron, M.D., University of Utah School of Medicine.
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Anatomical structures in item
Nervus cranialis
Medulla spinalis
Medulla oblongata
Nervus hypoglossus [XII]
Nervus accessorius [XI]
Nervus vagus
Nervus glossopharyngeus [IX]
Nervus vestibulocochlearis [VIII]
Nervus facialis [VII]
Nervus abducens [VI]
Nervus trigeminus [V]
Nervus trochlearis [IV]
Nervus oculomotorius [III]
Nervus opticus
Nervus olfactorius [I]
Dura mater
Pia mater
Arachnoidea mater
Falx cerebri
Tentorium cerebelli
Arteria carotis interna
Arteria vertebralis
Arteria basilaris
Circulus arteriosus cerebri
Arteria cerebri posterior
Arteria cerebri anterior
Arteria communicans posterior
Arteria communicans anterior